Re: Race conditions

der Mouse (mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU)
Wed, 7 Dec 1994 20:41:25 -0500

> How does one code a suid program so that it evades these problems
> with symlink race conditions?

"Vewy, vewy cawefuwwy."

Setuid programs should always be coded very carefully.  Programs that
have to be race-immune _must_ be coded very carefully.  Programs that
are both (which includes many/most setuid programs) require even more
extreme care.  It helps if you've done parallel code, because it helps
develop the necessary discipline of thinking of worst-case races.

> Is there a way to atomically check if a file is a symlink and open
> it, or is there another stratedgy?

Sort of.  The following might be sufficiently paranoid to be generally
safe.  (Note: I said "might be", not "is".)

To open a file, which should already exist:

	- lstat() the path, check that lstat succeeded
	- check that it's acceptable (eg, not a symlink :-)
	- open() (without O_CREAT), check that the open succeeded
	- fstat() the fd returned by open
	- if the lstat and fstat st_ino and st_dev fields match,

To create a new file, which doesn't already exist:

	- lstat() the path, check that you got ENOENT
	- open(...,...|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,...), check that it succeeded
If you're really paranoid, then:
	- fstat() the fd returned by open
	- lstat() the path again, check that (a) it exists and (b)
	  isn't a symlink
	- check that the fstat and the last lstat returned matching
	  st_dev and st_ino fields

Note that the latter depends on the O_CREAT|O_EXCL semantics of not
following a trailing symlink.  I would have preferred an O_NOSYMLINK
bit, myself, but oh well.

					der Mouse